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Overcoming Worry

Ever had to worry about what tomorrow will bring? I mean where will my kids be? Will I be able to afford this life? Will I still be healthy? Will my spouse still be there for me? Well Questions questions.......

"Who of you by worrying can add a single hour to your life?" Jesus asked his disciples in Luke 12:25. The pressures of this world are so overwhelming that we might get stuck in worry mode instead of moving on with life. For instance, do you wait by a garden to see if the seeds you planted will grow? Ofcourse not! You go on to do something else and do what you have to by watering and giving it the needed support like fertilizer and so on,

Likewise,whenever life knocks you on your knees, you just do what needs to be done and leave the rest to God. If there is not really much you can do, why stress over the situation. Yes it might gnaw at you a little but remember the hymn " Oh what needless pain we bear.... All because we do not take it to Him in prayer. We need to learn to take our problems to Him in prayer. Prayer works!

1 Peter 5:7 admonishes as to cast all your care upon Him; for he cares for us. Sometimes what we see as Goliaths in our life are actually situations that are easily solved. So.... Lets learn to lean on His everlasting love and worry less. He's got the whole world in His hands.

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